There are two ways to make your own Time Capsule for less. What you might not know is that you can use Time Machine to back up multiple Macs across the network, just like the more expensive Time Capsule. By now you should not only be familiar with Time Machine, you should be using it religiously. Thankfully I have a Mac mini that acts as a network based Time Machine. Now choose the destination drive to recover to, usually this is “Macintosh HD”, then click on the “Restore” button and let this complete – this will downgrade from OS X El Capitan to whatever version of OS X and the associated backup you chose.When you have selected the backup you wish to revert to, click on “Continue”.At the “Select a Backup” screen, choose the backup you wish to restore to, focus on the ‘Backup Date & Time” and “OS X Version” listings to make sure you are selecting the proper backup, keeping in mind the following:.

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How to Downgrade OS X El Capitan Back to OS X Mavericks, Yosemite, or Mountain Lion with Time Machine Essentially what you are doing with this method is restoring from a prior Time Machine backup of a prior OS X install. You should also manually copy any new files or important data or documents that have been created from the date of the last backup from the prior OS X version and now, since you will lose those files in this downgrading process. Before getting started: You should finish a new backup before starting this process.